Thursday, June 4, 2009

Beauty in Bubbles

When the laundry, dishes, food prep, and housework are seem to be never-ending, I find joy in the simple things.

The very simple things.

Like soap bubbles in my skillet.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Unintentional Air Freshener

I got some fresh herbs from a friend this week, and decided to dry some of them.  I couldn't think of very many places that were high enough to be safely out of a toddler's reach, so I hung them from the knobs of my higher kitchen cabinets.

I don't imagine that I will ever combine these two herbs in a recipe, but as they dry we can smell them throughout the entire kitchen, and they smell SO good together!  We've got a couple bunches of mint, and one bunch of oregano.

It's organic, chemical-free air freshener 
that will end up re-purposed as tea and 
seasonings!  Two for the price of one, 
except that it was free!  (Thanks Amy!)

Head over to Tammy's Recipes for 
more useful kitchen tips!