Monday, June 1, 2009

Unintentional Air Freshener

I got some fresh herbs from a friend this week, and decided to dry some of them.  I couldn't think of very many places that were high enough to be safely out of a toddler's reach, so I hung them from the knobs of my higher kitchen cabinets.

I don't imagine that I will ever combine these two herbs in a recipe, but as they dry we can smell them throughout the entire kitchen, and they smell SO good together!  We've got a couple bunches of mint, and one bunch of oregano.

It's organic, chemical-free air freshener 
that will end up re-purposed as tea and 
seasonings!  Two for the price of one, 
except that it was free!  (Thanks Amy!)

Head over to Tammy's Recipes for 
more useful kitchen tips!


Cindy Loven said...

great hint...I love the smell of dried herbs..

Anonymous said...

I was just checking in and love this idea! Have lots of herbs this year and have been hanging the lavender but never thought of doing the same with others!
Thanks and hope you are doing well.
Blessings, Aimee

Air Freshener said...

Herbs are natural and organic. Making air freshener from herbs is a good idea because it gives chemical-free air freshener