Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Some people have alarm clocks that wake them up in the mornings.
They are usually stationary and beep loudly.
I don't use one of those.

Some people have roosters that wake them up in the mornings.
They perch somewhere high and crow loudly.
I don't have any of those.
(And I'm OK with that!)

Then there are people that have Canada Geese that wake them up in the mornings.
They perch somewhere high and honk loudly.
Apparently, I have one of those.

But wait, what could be better than a Canada Goose?
Two, of course!
(One for each roof!)

1 comment:

Beloved's Redheaded Bride said...

OH they are loud with their "Honks"! When we lived on a lake in Savannah they use to do the same to us! Now they are just precious memories but at the time just a little annoying! ;)