Thursday, May 3, 2012

Reading Record: April

A significantly smaller pile...
due to unforeseen sunshine in Washington!

(The two backwards books are place-holders representing books that have already moved out of my house.  One I read just for fun, (Bill Bryson's I'm a Stranger Here Myself) and I really enjoyed (most of it), but decided not to keep it, and the other I read hoping to use it for school (Prisoners of Hope: The Story of Our Captivity and Freedom in Afghanistan by Curry, Mercer, and Mattingly) but I was extremely disappointed in it.

Wholesome missionary stories (especially ones that are appropriate for kids!) set in Afghanistan are a challenge to find!

1 comment:

Beloved's Redheaded Bride said...

Let me know if you find any good missionary stories set in afghanistan! ;) We just finishd the miller's missionary stories by rod and staff. It was good and my kiddos liked it.