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Making Memories. It's Christmas Eve! I wonder if the kids will remember much of what we did today, but I have no doubt that
I will! I wouldn't say we "made merry" or did anything special, but we definitely made some memories! We made a Walmart run for milk, eggs, wrapping paper, tape and crayons on a very windy day, and we came out of the store into a torrential downpour. It was wonderfully warm rain, pooling up to my ankles in the parking lot, and we were soaked to the skin by the time we got to our van, but we laughed all the way, and my four-year-old caught raindrops on her tongue...and her eyes, nose, face, and hair, too. :) What a memory to keep! This evening the kids unwrapped their pajamas from Grandma by the light of the Christmas tree, a bunch of candles, and a rarely lit fireplace. (Note to self: next year, don't light the advent candles when the fireplace is lit...although the spectacularly melted-down candles really impressed the girls.) More memories... :)
Happy Christmas Eve!
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